OpenDemocracy كرامة الآن على موقع

Posted on: مايو 9, 2015, by :
Karama seeks to mobilize the voices and opinions of women working to eliminate violence against women in the Arab region. And in collaboration with the network

Karama Movement, which includes many women’s organizations, section 5050 of the OpenDemocracy website provides an outlet through which these women’s organizations present their information and expertise that increase the participation of Arab women in international discussions on their rights through articles, Digital video and blogging. Here, we would like to extend our thanks to Hivos , a non-governmental organization based in the Netherlands, whose name is “The National Institute for the Development of Cooperation” to support and finance this project, which aims to express women’s views through reading or audio-visual materials

Empowering women in the Middle East:

To listen to Othman’s speech on the dignity of women and the violence against them in the Middle East .. Click here

Dignity: the union to express all views of women

After three years of continuous discussions, the Karameh Movement has reached a common language to speak in international forums. Karama, whose branches spread across nine Arab countries, is working to eliminate violence against women throughout the Arab region. As part of its associated activities, KARAMAH cooperates with more than 90 different women’s organizations. It remains a major challenge for the Movement to find the way in which issues
and priorities that are of general interest to society on the agendas of international organizations such as the United Nations and the
World Bank can be identified.

“We have almost reached what we want, or at least we can say that we have now come to know the way ,” Ms. Hypac said at a meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York . “Our main concern now is to win as many friends as possible.” (To listen to the text click here …)

Working for Women’s Rights in Jordan:

In this speech, Ms. Afaf Gabri talks about the role of the Jordanian government with regard to the issue of women’s rights (to listen to the text click here …)

All these activities and deliberations started on March 8: Women’s Movement and Fatwas …

Twenty-one years after the publication of Morocco’s first women’s magazine, March 8, there were several radical changes in the status of Moroccan women when the Family Code, known as the Code, was amended in 2004.
During her visit to Rabat , she spoke with Latifa Jabbadi and Fatima Attalib, two women figures who played a major role in reforming the aforementioned law, on the strategies adopted by the women’s movement for years in dealing with its biggest opponent. The conservative Islamic references. (To listen to the text click here …)

Iraqi refugees and living in Syria:

اللاجئات العراقيات: مع مرور الشهور و السنوات، أصبحت وضعية اللاجئات العرقيات التى تتزايد أعدادهم فى دمشق، هشة للغاية و عُرضة للنيل منهن من خلال الشبكات التى تعمل فى مجال الاتجار بالبشر . ( للاستماع إلى النص انقر هنا… )

كفاية: لابد من القضاء علي التمييز فى العدالة و العنف ضد المرأة

توشك الحكومة اللبنانية فى الوقت الحالى أن تتخذ قرارها بإدخال أول تشريع فى تاريخها خاصة بعملية حماية المرأة من العنف الأسرى. و قد التقت السيدة/ جين جبريال مع المنظمات النسائية و الناشطات اللاتى تحملن مسئولية الحملة التى بدأت على منذ أكثر من خمسة عشر عاما من أجل سن هذا القانون. ( للاستماع إلى النص انقر هنا… )

العيش فى الجانب الآخر من العالم:

Mrs. Afaf El Sayed spoke with Ms. Jeanne Gabriel about living in the Islamic Movement in Egypt and talked about the reasons behind her departure to Egypt and what feelings she felt and pushed her to take off her hijab. (To listen to the text click here)