Karama at Women Deliver 2019
Posted on: June 10, 2019, by : Editor
Members of the Karama women’s movement demonstrated that youth is ready to lead at the Women Deliver conference in Vancouver.
Karama’s delegation was made up exclusively of young women leaders, with representatives from women’s group Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia attending the world’s “largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women”.
Women are dramatically underrepresented in national and global decision making, as are young people. As such young women face discrimination on two fronts. With few opportunities available to young women, Karama and our supporters were determined to use the opportunity of Women Deliver to put our young partners forward to discuss their priorities and add their insights at this global forum.
Our delegates were able to meet face-to-face with leaders and decisions makers, including Canadian Minister for International Development, Maryam Monsef.
Of the delegates, Karama founder and CEO, Hibaaq Osman, said, “young women experience extraordinary discrimination in the world, and in our region especially. They have so much to offer in terms of insight, and the very particular nature of the inequality they deal with on a daily basis. It is so important that we ensure opportunities for driven young women like our delegates to make their mark. I am very proud of the impact that our young delegates had at Women Deliver.”