Our history


Karama is proud to work in various sectors and areas that accelerate and enhance capacities to stop violence against women. Many of our projects are ongoing across the MENA region and highlights of Karama’s achievements include:
- Karama partners in Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt contributed to six new laws or public policies against domestic violence and discriminatory practices since 2005.
- In response to the Arab revolutions, Karama mobilized national and regional partners to build linkage, discuss best practices, and brainstorm strategies to lobby for women’s inclusion and participation in post-revolution decision-making, peace building, and constitutional reform. As a result, Karama supported the launch of the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace and the Syrian Women’s Forum for Peace, and will continue to work with partners in Yemen to launch the MANN (‘together’) network in 2013.
- Karama convened a Regional Consultation on the UN Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in late 2009. Karama was joined by UNIFEM and the League of Arab States, which collaborated on such an event for the first time in its history.
- Karama’s international advocacy training has brought dozens of Arab female activists to the United Nations, generating the first-ever stakeholder reports on Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Somalia submitted to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review.
- Karama’s media outreach program has resulted in over 150 articles, op-eds, broadcasts, and podcasts published in media across the Middle East, Asia, North America, Europe, and Latin America, building awareness and spurring debate on key issues for women in the region.