Suzan Aref
Posted on: May 31, 2018, by : Editor
Suzan is a founder and director of Iraq’s Women Empowerment Organization (WEO). Suzan has a long track record of leadership, which includes serving as the Iraq Advisor at the Global Fund for Women, Co-chairperson of Kurdistan Business Women Association. Suzan was the founder of DASPEC Centre for Female Entrepreneurs in Erbil and she has held position of the Assistant Advisor in Equality Unit and Sustainable Development to the Kurdistan Regional Government Office of the Prime Minister. More recently Suzan was appointed coordinator of the Iraqi Initiative for the development of the Iraqi National Action Plan (I-NAP 1325) for UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Suzan completed an executive program on financial institutions for private enterprise development in 2008 at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and is currently studying financial science and banking management.